Division G Contest

Online Meeting

Venue: Online - Zoom link will be emailed to registered attendees Agenda: 5:30pm: Zoom log in, audio/video check 6:00pm: Event Called-to-order 9:00pm: Adjourn * Contestants, Functionaries and Judges briefings will […]

Division A Contest

Online Meeting

Tall Tales and International Speech Contests Venue: Online Contest Agenda: 8:45 am: Login / Networking 9:00 am: Gavel Down and Begin -- Tall Tales Speech Contest -- International Speech Contest […]

Division G Contest

Online Meeting

Tall Tales and International Speech Contests Venue: Online Contest Agenda: 5:30pm: Contestants and Functionaries Check-in 5:45pm: Zoom open to the public 6:00pm: Tall Tale Contest starts 9:00pm: Adjourn Cost: Free […]

Division B Contest

Online Meeting

Tall Tales and International Speech Contests Once you register, a Google Calendar invite will be sent to your email directly with the Zoom Meeting details. Venue: Online Contest Agenda*: 5:30 pm  […]

Division C Contest

Online Meeting

Tall Tales and International Speech Contests Venue: Online Contest Agenda: 8:45am: Doors Open 9:00am: Call to Order 11:00am: Adjourn Cost: Free Contact: Division C Director: Priya Shastri, priya.shastri@gmail.com

Division E Contest

Online Meeting

Tall Tales and International Speech Contests Venue: Online Contest Agenda*: 5:30 pm Contestant and functionary briefings 5:45 pm Doors open 6:00 pm Call to order 6:15 pm Tall Tales Contest […]

Division D Contest

Online Meeting

Tall Tales and International Speech Contests Venue: Online Contest Agenda: 6:00pm: Contestants and Functionaries Check-in 6:20pm: Zoom open to the public 6:30pm: Tall Tale Contest starts 7:25pm: Break 7:30pm: International […]