
A schedule of upcoming training sessions.

Providing effective training for club officers is a crucial part of fostering a quality club environment for our members. Without it clubs cannot effectively meet the needs of their members or demonstrate the benefits of Toastmasters to guests. Club Officer Training is also a vital means of leadership development for clubs and for the district as a whole.

Two training seasons are offered in District 101. The first round of trainings is conducted during the months of June through August, and the second round is conducted December through February.

The first round provides an opportunity for new officers to understand their roles and responsibilities, meet and network with fellow club officers, and find out what resources are available to support them and help them succeed.

The second round of training in December through February provides the same benefits for newly elected officers. However, it is also crucial for officers who are serving for a second term to attend this training. They have another opportunity to receive additional information and skills to create greater success in their clubs. It also gives them the opportunity to discuss any difficulties they may be having with officers from other clubs who might be facing similar challenges or have faced them in the past.

By sending officers to training, Clubs receive credit toward the training goal in the Distinguished Club Program. Check out the latest Club Officer Training Status to find out which of your Club Officers have attended training.

Upcoming Training Events in District 101

All training events are online unless otherwise noted.

Registration is required for all online training events. Click the “Register” link in the listing below to open the registration page for that event.

Club Officer Training - Online
More Information | Register
July 27
Club Officer Training - Online
More Information | Register
July 30
Club Officer Training - Online
More Information | Register
August 2
Club Officer Training - Online
More Information | Register
August 7
Club Officer Training - Online
More Information | Register
August 19
Club Officer Training - Online
More Information | Register
August 28

Check the schedules for District 4 (Palo Alto to San Francisco) and District 57 (East Bay and North Bay) if you can’t attend a Club Officer Training event in District 101.