District PR Awards
In recognition of outstanding PR efforts by clubs.
Every year, District 101 sponsors a number of contests to recognize clubs within the district for their outstanding PR efforts. These contests provide an opportunity for clubs to showcase their creativity — and earn some well-deserved prizes.
PR Awards Program Highlights
- Purpose
- The chief purpose of any PR asset (whether website, newsletter, or video) should be to attract and inform guests, prospective members, and members.
- Judging criteria
- Generally speaking, all District 101 PR awards place a high priority on the timeliness and relevance of content and on layout and design (including ease of navigation for online assets).
- Be sure to review both the overall judging guidelines and the contest-specific judging criteria below for further details.
- Schedule
- The deadline for entry submissions is May 5. Submit your entries to pr@d101tm.org.
- All awards will be presented at the District 101 conference in May.
- Prizes
- 1st place earns $100 in district credit
- 2nd place earns $50 in district credit
- 3rd place earns $25 in district credit
- All winners will be posted on the PR Awards page.
Here is a breakdown of the judging criteria for the Best Newsletter award, including a few examples for each criteria grouping.
Important: In addition to the criteria listed here, don’t forget to review the overall judging guidelines applying to all PR award programs (listed below).
Newsletter Content (50%)
- Club events (upcoming events and recaps of past events)
- Recognition of member achievements
- Officer communications
- Educational tips & tricks
Layout and Presentation (30%)
- Visual design, creativity, graphics, photos, typography, color, and whitespace
Club Information (10%)
- Meeting time and location
- Information about how to attend a meeting (e.g. email or link to event RSVP)
- Officer contact information
- Website address (URL)
Toastmasters Information (10%)
- District 101 promotions, Toastmasters program information, branding, etc.
2018-2019 PR Awards for Best Newsletter
First Place: First Street Speakers
Second Place: Adlibmasters Club
Third Place: Macintalkers Club
Overall Judging Guidelines
Your Club is encouraged to show its personality: What makes your particular club different or unique? Use your imagination and show off your creativity.
For all three PR awards, the submission (website, newsletter, or video) must mention and/or include the following:
- Club contact information: This can include one or more of the following: website address (URL), social media links, contact email, meeting location, etc.
- Updated content: All information must be kept current, including but not limited to the club’s meeting schedule, meeting information, news, upcoming events, and club contact information. If the content changes regularly, this can be documented over time, such as in a slideshow that accompanies the submission.
- Branding: If Toastmasters branding is used, the submission must meet the standard criteria from Toastmasters International, including but not limited to maintaining the integrity of the Toastmasters International logo and other assets. (See Toastmasters International’s Branding Portal for specific details). Despite the requirement to follow these branding guidelines, it is perfectly acceptable to create a differentiated look and feel that expresses the personality of your club.
- Layout and navigation: The navigation on your website should be clear and intuitive, and the information should be easy to find.
- Contest-specific criteria: Each contest has its own additional criteria, which can be found in the individual descriptions for each award.
Content Ideas
When considering what to add to your website, newsletter, or video, there are many types of content to keep in mind. Here are a fews ideas:
- Club information: website address, contact email, meeting location, meeting schedule (day, time, and frequency)
- Events: regular meetings, special events (such as open houses, speech contests, workshops), event recaps
- Club membership criteria: community or corporate, open or closed, speciality, advanced
- Member recognition: educational awards and recognitions from Toastmasters International, speech contest winners
- Testimonials: members’ comments about how Toastmasters has helped them inside and outside the club
- Education: tips and tricks of speaking, of Zoom, of navigating Pathways
- Toastmasters information: What is Toastmasters? What are the goals and benefits for members?