Pathways Office Hours

District 101 invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Pathways Office Hours Time: Every Tuesday 07:00-07:39 PM Note: During holiday weeks, there will not be any office hours. (Please check this page frequently.)Preview (opens in a new tab) Connection Info: Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 547 120 533 One Tap Mobile: +14086380968,,547120533# US (San Jose) +16465588656,,547120533# US (New York)Dial […]

Pathways Office Hours

District 101 invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Pathways Office Hours Time: Every Tuesday 07:00-07:39 PM Note: During holiday weeks, there will not be any office hours. (Please check this page frequently.)Preview (opens in a new tab) Connection Info: Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 547 120 533 One Tap Mobile: +14086380968,,547120533# US (San Jose) +16465588656,,547120533# US (New York)Dial […]

Pathways Office Hours

District 101 invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Pathways Office Hours Time: Every Tuesday 07:00-07:39 PM Note: During holiday weeks, there will not be any office hours. (Please check this page frequently.)Preview (opens in a new tab) Connection Info: Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 547 120 533 One Tap Mobile: +14086380968,,547120533# US (San Jose) +16465588656,,547120533# US (New York)Dial […]

Club Officer Training – Online

Online Meeting

Get equipped with tools and technique to Lead and to Serve. Get trained. Agenda: 6:20pm: Login 6:30pm: Keynotes 6:50pm: Officer Training Sessions 8:30pm: Adjourn Cost: Free! Registration is required to receive the link to the session. Click here to register. Questions? Contact: Program Quality Director, Vaibhav Singh.

Pathways Office Hours

District 101 invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Pathways Office Hours Time: Every Tuesday 07:00-07:39 PM Note: During holiday weeks, there will not be any office hours. (Please check this page frequently.)Preview (opens in a new tab) Connection Info: Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 547 120 533 One Tap Mobile: +14086380968,,547120533# US (San Jose) +16465588656,,547120533# US (New York)Dial […]

Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - July 7th Agenda: 6:00pm: Login, Creative/Fun Networking Event! 6:10pm: Open 6:20pm: Keynotes 7:00pm: Training Session Start 8:30pm: Adjourn Register here to receive the Zoom meeting information. Contact: Venkatesh Ragala,

Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - July 9th Agenda: 6:00pm: Login, Creative/Fun Networking Event! 6:10pm: Open 6:20pm: Keynotes 7:00pm: Training Session Start 8:30pm: Adjourn Register here to receive the Zoom meeting information. Contact: Venkatesh Ragala,

DEC Meeting

For DEC team members and invited guests.Detailed meeting information will be provided to attendees.

Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - Monday, July 13, 2020 Meeting link will be emailed separately before the training! 6:00pm: Login, Creative/Fun Networking Event! 6:10pm: Open 6:20pm: Keynotes 7:00pm: Training Session Start 8:30pm: Adjourn Limited Seats! Register here. Contact: Gavin Wang, Division D Director,

Club Officer Training

Online Meeting

Online Club Officer Training - Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Meeting link will be emailed separately before the training! 6:00pm: Login & Networking 6:20pm: Keynotes 7.00pm: Officer Training Sessions 8.30pm: Adjourn Limited Seats! Register here. Contact: Chandana Kalluri, Division B Director,