GREAT Event: Why, What, and How of Pathways

Title: Why, What, and How of Pathways Presenter: Raghunadha Raju, DTM Description: Do you know that Pathways program offers more than 300+ competencies that can nurture our public speaking and leadership journey. Pathways also offers several projects where we can safely practice and exhibit our leadership skills. come join the pathways orientation session where Raghu […]

GREAT Event: Great Meetings

Title: Great Meetings Presenter: Dennis Dawson, DTM Description: Dennis Dawson will lead a discussion not only of best practices for running a great meeting, but also why the rituals are important to running meetings that motivate members and transform guests. There will be ample time for attendees to discuss the issues that interfere with the fun and […]

GREAT Event: Train the Trainer

Title: Train the Trainer Presenter: Solarzar Dellaporta, DTM  Description: Have you attended Officer Training and thought, "I would like to do that," or "I can do that." District 101 is conducting a Train the Trainer session on November 12th from 9 am to Noon (PST) We will review the difference between Speaking and Training; how […]

GREAT Event: To Hybrid or Not To Hybrid, That is the Question!

Title: To Hybrid or Not To Hybrid, That is the Question! Moderated by: Solarzar Dellaporta, DTM  Description: Our expert panel representing Downtown Santa Cruz Toastmasters, Los Gatos Toastmasters, and Saratoga Toastmasters will share their successful hybrid meeting tips. There are many "Do and Don't' lists about hybrid meetings but let's hear from those doing it. […]

GREAT Event: Tall Tales Tips

Title: Blarney! Tall Tales Tips from Three Wild Irishmen and a Lovely Lass to Keep Them in Czech Description: This workshop focuses on the keys to effective tall tales: Imagination, Exaggeration, Vocalization, and Visualization. District champions and Distinguished Toastmasters Brendan Murphy, Declan Shalvey, Jana Lannen, and Dennis Dawson will talk about the skills they use to […]

GREAT Event: Connecting with Others

Title: Connecting with Others: What Effective Leaders Do Differently Presenter: Ramesh Dewangan, DTM  Description: Connecting with others is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in a way that increases your influence with them The Talk "Connecting with Others: What the Most Effective Leaders Do Differently" will cover how leaders display genuine interest […]

GREAT Event: Evaluate with Empathy

Title: Evaluate with Empathy Presenter: Dennis Dawson, DTM, PDG Description: Evaluation is the heart of Toastmasters - it's the core of our education program, and it's how we show we care. Dennis Dawson discusses the importance of giving honest criticism in a way that the speaker is able to incorporate the feedback and build their skills. […]

GREAT Event: Pitching Like a Pro

Title: Pitching Like a Pro Presenter: Satish Shenoy, DTM Description: As leaders, we have to "pitch" every time we want to communicate to our audience. This audience could be the teams we lead, to our peers, senior company executives to board of directors or even investors. Learning the different and most effective ways to pitch […]

GREAT Event: How to Produce and Promote a Contest

Title: How to Produce and Promote a Contest Presenter: Solarzar Dellaporta, DTM Description: Contest Season is Here! Club Contests are held in February. Area Contests are held in March. Division Contests are held in April. All leading to the District 101 Spring Conference in May. It's time to plan your Area and Division Contest. Who […]

GREAT Event: Pitch Your Club

Pitch your club and win a trophy! Registration Link: FAQ about the Pitch Your Club Events Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Abhijeet Joshi, at