Area E5 Contest


Area E5 - International Speech and Evaluation Virtual Contest Agenda: 6:00pm: Attendees Login to Zoom 6:15pm: Contestants, Functionaries and Judges briefings 6:30pm: Contests start 7:30pm: Adjourn Please join the Zoom Virtual Contest/Meeting at: Password: d101tm Please use a desktop to login to zoom instead of phone. We will do a dry run few days […]

Area G3 Contest


Location: Meeting ID: 903 547 254 One tap mobile +16699009128,,903547254# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,903547254# US (Houston) Agenda: 5:30 pm Contestants, Judges, Chairs, Functionaries, Guests, etc. Arrival 6:15 pm Overview of Contest Rules and International Speech Contest 7:15 pm Overview of Contest Rules and Tall Tales Speech Contest 8:30 pm Award Ceremony 9:00 pm Adjourn […]

Area B2 Contest


Area B2 Tall Tales and International Speech Contest Location: Agenda: 6:00pm: Contestant, Functionaries and Judges briefings 6:30pm: Tall Tales Contest 7:30pm: 10 min break 7:40pm: International Speech Contest 8:00pm: 5 min break 8:05pm: Winner announcements 8:15pm: Meeting adjourned Contact: Area B2 Director: Chandana Kalluri,

Division D Contest

Online Meeting

Venue: Online - Zoom link will be emailed to registered attendees Agenda: 5:30pm - Zoom Meeting Open 6:00pm - Call for Order 6:15pm - Tall Tales Contest 7:15pm - Club Recognition 7:30pm - Break 7:40pm - District Conference Promotion 7:50pm - International Speech Contest 9:00pm - Adjourn Cost: Free Contact: Yifang Xu,, Division D […]

Division C Contest


Division C Tall Tales and International Speech Contest Online meeting Zoom link will be sent to the registrants Agenda: 5:30pm: Contestants, Functionaries and Judges briefings 6:00pm: Contest starts 8:30pm: Adjourn Cost: None, free entry Contact: Division C Director: Ed Suh,

Division A Contest


Location: zoom link for contest will be sent to registered attendees few days prior to contest Agenda: 09:30 – Zoom Meeting Opens/Briefings 09:50 – Audience Joins Zoom 10:00 – Call to Order Tall Tales and International Speech Contests 13:30 – Adjourn Contact: Solarzar Dellaporta,, Division A Contest Chair Kathryn Tobisch,, Division A Director

Division G Contest

Online Meeting

Venue: Online - Zoom link will be emailed to registered attendees Registration closes Saturday, April 18, 2020 Agenda: 5:30 PM: Start Joining/Tech Check 6:00 PM: Contest Starts 9:00 PM: Adjourn Cost: Free Contact: Lorraine Myers,, Division G Contest Chair Sue-May Lin,, Division G Director

Division B Contest


Location: Zoom online from your home Agenda: 5:30pm: Contestants, Functionaries and Judges briefings 6:00pm: Contest starts 8:30pm: Adjourn Contact: Sowmya Raman,, Division B Contest Chair Shoba Rao,, Division B Director

Division E Contest


Division E Tall Tales and International Speech Contest Date: Saturday, May 2nd, 2020 Online meeting Zoom link will be sent to the registrants. Agenda: 1:00 pm: Contestants, Functionaries and Judges briefings 1:30 pm: Contest starts 4:30 pm: Adjourn Cost: None, free entry Contact: Division E Director: Sharan Hiremath, Contest Chair: Ishrath Fatima,

Area B3 Contest

Online Meeting

Venue: Online - Zoom link will be emailed to registered attendees Agenda: 5:30 PM: Contestants, Functionaries and Judges briefings 5:45 PM: Registration and networking 6:00 PM: Contest Starts 8:30 PM: Adjournment Cost: Free Contact: Abhijeet Joshi, Area B3 Director,, (617) 820-3551