2022 Fall Fusion


Fall Fusion – What is it?

Take the best of two different worlds – our TLI’s and our Conference and join them together for a truly incredible event. We have a few new unique sessions this Fall Fusion.

The Learning Lab

This will feature facilitator-led topic-specific rooms. It will be a great opportunity to explore, learn, and contribute.

Speaker Showcase

Our members come together to participate in the Evaluation and Humorous Speaker Showcase this year.


  • Stage 0 Submit the “Intent to Participate” [Due July 31]
  • Stage 1 Contestant(s) identified to represent your club (either through a contest or by nomination) [Due Sept 15]
  • Stage 2 Eliminations
    • Sat Sept 17th 8-10AM
    • Thu Sept 22nd 6-8PM
    • Sat Sept 24th 8-10AM
    • Tue Sept 27th 6-8PM (Host-Cupertino Toastmasters)
    • Thu Sept 29th 6-8PM (Host-Intercontinental Toastmasters)
    • Tue Oct 4th 6-8PM (Host-Adlibmasters)
    • Sat Oct 8th 8-10AM (Host-Saratoga)
    • Sat Oct 15th 8-10AM
  • Stage 3 Final Contest at Fall Fusion [Oct 29]

Fall Fusion Events Schedule

07:30AM Networking
07:45AM Opening & Welcome
08:00AM Speaker Showcase: Evaluation Speech Speaker Showcase
9:10AM Break
9:15AM Keynote: Patricia Fripp
10:15AM Break
10:30AM Track 1 (Patricia Fripp) & Track 2 (CGD Event)
11:30PM Break
11:45PM Speaker Showcase: Humorous Speech Speaker Showcase
01:15PM Winner Announcements
01:30PM Meeting Adjourned
Optional Photo Session


Fall Fusion Team

Fall Fusion Chair: Amruta Hendre

Speaker Showcase Lead: Jay Mojnidar

Tech Team: Derek Garcia, Kari Lynn Morgan

Sergeant at Arms: Grace Cardona


Contest Resources

Find all contest resources here.


Fall Fusion Finalists

Evaluation Contest:

Humorous Speech Contest:


Contact Fall Fusion Chair: Amuta Hendre amruta@gmail.com
Fall Fusion Speaker Showcase Lead:
or District Events Chair: