2018-19 District Programs
Sensational Summer Program
“Have Sensational Summer meetings! Add new members to your roster between May 1 and June 30 and earn TI Gift Certificates for the club.”
This is in addition to TI’s Beat the Clock program.
- $5 for each new member
- an additional $10 if 3 new members are added
- another additional $10 if 5 or more new members are added
Congratulations to these clubs for adding new members:
Earning $50 for adding 6 members: Classy Toasters, First Street Speakers, and Jade Toastmasters.
Earning $45 for adding 5 members: Big Basin Toastmasters, Cathedral of Faith Toastmasters, Gilroy Toastmasters, Macintalkers Club, Maxim Toastmasters, Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Toastmasters, and Sunnyvale Speakeasies Club.
Earning $30 for adding 4 members: Amazon Lab126 Toastmasters, Broadcom-Orators Toastmasters Club, Da Vinci Toastmasters, I’m Feeling Chatty Toastmasters Club, Interconnected Toastmasters, Jetstream Toastmasters Club, Laser Sharp Speakers, Los Gatos Toastmasters, Lumentum Toastmasters Club, Mountain View Toastmasters, Now You’re Talk[In], Public Speak Easy’s Club, Startup Speakers, STMicroelectronics, Toastmasters Lead [In] SV, and Toastmates.
Earning $25 for adding 3 members: Applied Materials Club, Downtown Speechmakers, Friendly Toasters, Hot Buttered Toastmasters Club, Juniper Jabbers Club, MCA Toastmasters Club, Monterey Peninsula Toastmasters Club 934, MoToast, Oathmasters, QSpeak, Santa Clara County Procurement, Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters, Santa Cruz Orators (SCO) Club, Santa Cruz Toastmasters, SCB Toastriders, SCUMBAT Club, Silver Tongued Cats, TGIF Management Club, Toasters R Us Club, Toastmasters Insiders Club, True Talking Toastmasters (TTT), and Valley Toastmasters.
Earning $10 for adding 2 members: ADI Silicon Valley Toastmasters, Amazon Cupertino Toastmasters, AMD Speak, Aruba Toastmasters, Bayview Club, Cisco Speaks Toastmasters Club, Intel Innovators, Intuitively Speaking Toastmasters Club, ITU Toastmasters Club, Mandarin-English Toastmasters, Mountain View, Morgan Hill Toastmasters , Naval Postgraduate School Club, Orbiters Toastmasters Club, PCYC Toastmasters, Samsung Speaks, Saratoga Toastmasters Club, Silicon Valley Mandarin English Toastmasters, Silicon Valley Storytellers, Silicon Valley Toastmasters, Talk the Line, ToastMeisters Club, ToastNow, Trendsetter Toastmasters, and Wharton QuakeMasters.
Earning $5 for adding 1 member: 831 Storytellers, [24]7.ai Inspired Orators – San Jose, Adelante Toastmasters Club, Adobe Fontificators Club, Agile Articulators Speech & Debate Toastmasters Club, Aptos Club, ArtICCulators Club, ASML Sillicon Valley Toastmasters, City Shakers, Cupertino Morningmasters, Destination Articulation, EPL Toasters, Excalibur Toastmasters Club, nSpeak, Oratory Otters, Proofpoint Toastmasters Club, San Jose Toastmasters Club, Sierra 49ers, Spartans Toastmasters – SJSU, Steinbeck Club, Stryker Toastmasters, Study Group Toastmasters, Surf City Advanced Toastmasters, SynapTalks, Talking Heads Toastmasters Club, Willow Glen Toastmasters, and Xilinx Xpressionists Toastmasters Club.
President’s Club
Join the President’s Club!
Clubs that achieve at least 9 DCP goals by April 15th earn $101 in District Credit!
Congratulations to Adlibmasters Club, ArtICCulators Club, Fair Oaks Club, First Street Speakers, Interconnected Toastmasters, Jade Toastmasters, Mandarin-English Toastmasters, Mountain View, MoToast, Naval Postgraduate School Club, nSpeak, Oratory Otters, Santa Clara SweetTalkers Toastmasters, SCUMBAT Club, Silver Tongued Cats, Toast On Fire, True Talking Toastmasters (TTT), Willow Glen Toastmasters, and Xilinx Xpressionists Toastmasters Club for earning $101 in District Credit!
Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Pavan Datla, at quality@d101tm.org

ePresence - Best Club Website Award
Congratulations to
First Place - Fair Oaks Club
Second Place - Los Gatos Toastmasters Club
Awarded to the clubs that meet the Judging criteria below for the term July 1, 2018 – April 30th, 2019
To attract new members – you need to get your message out there. People need to know what you do, when and where you meet. And it is also a great place to “showcase” the amazing benefits of Toastmasters and of your club. There are lots of different ways to promote your club online now, for example:
- Club website
- YouTube
- Meetup
The principle is that any social media that meets the judging criteria below will be helpful to potential guests and visitors.
All clubs that meet all 8 criteria will get a prize and be recognized at the District Conference
Two clubs with the best ePresence (either website, Facebook, etc) will be recognized at the District Conference.
- 1st place: $101 in District Credit
- 2nd place: $50 in District Credit
See the District 101 PR Corner page for sample Club Websites.

Golden Quill - Best Newsletter Award
Congratulations to
First Place - First Street Speakers
Second Place - Adlibmasters Club Third Place - Macintalkers ClubAwarded to the clubs that meet the judging criteria below for the term July 1, 2018 – April 30th, 2019 Purpose:
Newsletters help keep current members engaged, while attracting the not-so-active members to join the learning and festivities happening at your club. The secret to a good newsletter is simple – quality. If you can ensure that your newsletter offers value to your members, then you’ve made sure that you’ve opened another valve of learning for them. What more? Newsletters can also serve as an excellent source of converting guests into members, thanks to the interesting account it will provide of your club and its activities.
First, second and third place awards will be presented at the District Conference.
- First place: $101 in District Credit
- Second place: $50 in District Credit
- Third place: $25 in District Credit
See the District 101 PR Corner page for sample Club Newsletters.
March Madness
Earn Bronze Level
- Renew 75% of base membership by March 15th & receive $50 in District Credit
Set out for Silver Level
- Renew 90% of base membership by March 15th & receive $75 in District Credit
Go for Gold Level!
- Renew 100% of base membership by March 15th & receive $101 in District Credit
Congratulations to [24]7.ai Inspired Orators – San Jose, Amazon Cupertino Toastmasters, Amazon Lab126 Toastmasters, Cadence AHgorithms Club, Dell Silicon Valley Toastmasters, Fair Oaks Club, Missionanigans, MoToast, North Valley Toastmasters, Oratory Otters, Orbiters Toastmasters Club, Palo Alto Networks Toastmasters, Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters, Speakeasy Monterey, ToastMeisters Club, Vakpatugalu, VentriTalks, and Xilinx Xpressionists Toastmasters Club for renewing 100% of their base membership and earning $101 in District Credit!
Congratulations to Cupertino Morningmasters, Juniper Jabbers Club, PCYC Toastmasters, Salinas Sunrise Toastmasters Club, SweetTalk, and SynapTalks for renewing at least 90% of their base membership and earning $75 in District Credit!
Congratulations to 831 Storytellers, Adlibmasters Club, AMD Speak, Applied Materials Club, Aptos Club, Excalibur Toastmasters Club, Great America Speakers, Next Step Toastmasters Club, nSpeak, Optical Orators, Redwood Ramblers Toastmasters, San Jose Toastmasters Club, Saratoga Toastmasters Club, Sierra 49ers, Silicon Valley Mandarin English Toastmasters, Silicon Valley Storytellers, Silicon Valley Toastmasters, Silver Tongued Cats, Steinbeck Club, TGIF Management Club, The Grummarians, Toast On Fire, and Trendsetter Toastmasters for renewing at least 75% of their base membership and earning $50 in District Credit!
Questions? Contact our Club Growth Director, LoAn Nguyen, at growth@d101tm.org.
New Year’s Challenge
Re-energize your club with an Open House in the New Year!
- Clubs earn $20 in District Credit for holding an Open House between December 1 and February 28.
- Clubs earn $20 in District Credit for adding 3+ members AND renewing their membership through September 2019.
- Clubs earn an additional $20 in District Credit for adding 5+ members AND renewing their membership through September 2019.
Clubs can earn a total possible $60 in District Credit with this New Year’s Challenge.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $60 in District Credit by holding an Open House and adding at least 5 members: Cupertino Morningmasters, Fair Oaks Club, Macintalkers Club, MoToast, SCUMBAT Club, Speakeasy Monterey, Study Group Toastmasters, and ToastNow.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $40 in District Credit by holding an Open House and adding at least 3 members: Adlibmasters Club, Great America Speakers, Orbiters Toastmasters Club, and Silicon Valley Storytellers.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $20 in District Credit by holding an Open House: Agile Articulators Speech & Debate Toastmasters Club, Friendly Toasters, Interconnected Toastmasters, Laser Sharp Speakers, Mandarin-English Toastmasters, Mountain View, McAfee Rise and Shine Toastmasters Club, nSpeak, Oratory Otters, San Jose Toastmasters Club, Silicon Valley JETS (Japanese English Toastmasters), Toasters R Us Club, and Xilinx Xpressionists Toastmasters Club.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $40 in District Credit by adding at least 5 members: Adobe Fontificators Club, Amazon Lab126 Toastmasters, Big Basin Toastmasters, Cadence AHgorithms Club, Da Vinci Toastmasters, Dell Silicon Valley Toastmasters, Gilroy Toastmasters, I’m Feeling Chatty Toastmasters Club, Naval Postgraduate School Club, Palo Alto Networks Toastmasters, Panthers Toastmasters, PCYC Toastmasters, Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters, Saratoga Toastmasters Club, ToastMeisters Club, and Willow Glen Toastmasters.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $20 in District Credit by adding at least 3 members: AMD Speak, Aptos Club, ArtICCulators Club, Destination Articulation, Hot Buttered Toastmasters Club, Intel Innovators, Intuitively Speaking Toastmasters Club, ITU Toastmasters Club, Juniper Jabbers Club, Maxim Toastmasters, Mountain View Toastmasters, Optical Orators, Santa Clara SweetTalkers Toastmasters, Santa Cruz Toastmasters, Silicon Valley Improvmasters, Silver Tongued Cats, Steinbeck Club, SynapTalks, Talking Heads Toastmasters Club, TGIF Management Club, Toast On Fire, Toastmasters Lead [In] SV, Trendsetter Toastmasters, and Valley Toastmasters.
- All members added between December 1 and March 31 qualify.
- Added members must have paid Toastmasters International membership fees through September 2019.
- The New Year’s Challenge ends March 31.
- Clubs do not have to hold an Open House to earn District Credit for adding members.
To earn District Credit for holding an Open House, clubs must:
- Submit a copy of the publicity flyer or web page using this page before the Open House.
- Submit a photo of the meeting and a photo of the agenda and guest sign-in sheet using this page no later than a week after the club Open House event. For example, the deadline to submit photos is March 7th for an open house held on February 28.
Questions? Contact Open House Coordinator, Chandana Kalluri, by emailing openhouse@d101tm.org.
June-August 2018 Training Period
Congratulations to these clubs for training all 7 Officers during the June-August training period: 831 Storytellers, Adlibmasters Club, Almaden Valley Orators Club, AMD Speak, Aptos Club, Bayview Club, Big Basin Toastmasters, Cisco Speaks Toastmasters Club, Cupertino Morningmasters, Cupertino Toastmasters, Da Vinci Toastmasters, Excalibur Toastmasters Club, Fair Oaks Club, First Street Speakers, Friendly Toasters, Great America Speakers, Intel Innovators, KT Talkers Club, Lumentum Toastmasters Club, Macintalkers Club, Milpitas Toastmasters Club, MoToast, Naval Postgraduate School Club, North Valley Toastmasters, nSpeak, Optical Orators, Oratory Otters, Orbiters Toastmasters Club, PCYC Toastmasters, Peninsula Pros Club, San Jose Toastmasters Club, Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters, Saratoga Toastmasters Club, SCUMBAT Club, Sierra 49ers, Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Toastmasters, Silicon Valley JETS (Japanese English Toastmasters), Silicon Valley Storytellers, Spartans Toastmasters – SJSU, Study Group Toastmasters, Sunnyvale Speakeasies Club, Surf City Advanced Toastmasters, Talk the Line, TGIF Management Club, The Grummarians, Toasters R Us Club, Toastmasters Insiders Club, True Talking Toastmasters (TTT), Wharton QuakeMasters, Willow Glen Toastmasters, Wry Toastmasters, and Xilinx Xpressionists Toastmasters Club.
December 2018-February 2019 Training Period
Congratulations to these clubs which earned $101 in District Credit and joined the Magnificent 7 by training all 7 officers in December-February and at least 4 officers in June-August: Adlibmasters Club, Almaden Valley Orators Club, AMD Speak, ArtICCulators Club, Big Basin Toastmasters, Cadence AHgorithms Club, Cupertino Morningmasters, Cupertino Toastmasters, Excalibur Toastmasters Club, First Street Speakers, Great America Speakers, Hot Buttered Toastmasters Club, Interconnected Toastmasters, Intuitively Speaking Toastmasters Club, Jade Toastmasters, Juniper Jabbers Club, Macintalkers Club, Mandarin-English Toastmasters, Mountain View, MoToast, Naval Postgraduate School Club, North Valley Toastmasters, nSpeak, Optical Orators, Oratory Otters, Orbiters Toastmasters Club, Peninsula Pros Club, Salinas Sunrise Toastmasters Club, Santa Clara SweetTalkers Toastmasters, Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters, Saratoga Toastmasters Club, SCUMBAT Club, Sierra 49ers, Silicon Valley Storytellers, Spartans Toastmasters – SJSU, Steinbeck Club, Sunnyvale Speakeasies Club, Surf City Advanced Toastmasters, TGIF Management Club, Toast On Fire, Toasters R Us Club, and True Talking Toastmasters (TTT).
Congratulations to [24]7.ai Inspired Orators – San Jose, Broadcom-Orators Toastmasters Club, Cathedral of Faith Toastmasters, Monterey Peninsula Toastmasters Club 934, and Santa Clara County Procurement for earning $50 in District Credit and joining the Lucky 7 by training all 7 officers during December-February.
Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Pavan Datla, at quality@d101tm.org
Do you have an idea to start a new club?
Do you work in a company that could benefit from a Toastmasters club?
Make it happen!
Club Lead Program
July 2018 – February 2019
Benefits include:
- An opportunity for members to complete a portion of the DTM requirements
- HPL project credit – District will provide HPL manuals
- Earn $50 in TI Gift Certificates
- Receive special recognition at the July 2019 Leadership Luncheon if the new club charters by June 30th!
Questions? Contact our Club Growth Director, LoAn Nguyen, at growth@d101tm.org.
- Clubs receive $101 in District Credit if they achieve 5+ DCP goals by Oct 31st
Congratulations to our Early Achiver Clubs: Adlibmasters Club, Almaden Valley Orators Club, B.L.T. Club, Big Basin Toastmasters, Cupertino Toastmasters, Excalibur Toastmasters Club, Fair Oaks Club, First Street Speakers, Interconnected Toastmasters, Jade Toastmasters, Mandarin-English Toastmasters, Mountain View, Naval Postgraduate School Club, Oratory Otters, San Jose Toastmasters Club, Santa Clara SweetTalkers Toastmasters, Silicon Valley JETS (Japanese English Toastmasters), Silver Tongued Cats, Sunnyvale Speakeasies Club, Toast On Fire, True Talking Toastmasters (TTT), and Xilinx Xpressionists Toastmasters Club.
Questions? Contact our Program Quality Director, Pavan Datla, at quality@d101tm.org
Re-energize your club with an Open House Challenge in the New Toastmasters Year!
- Clubs earn $20 in District Credit for holding an Open House between September 1st and September 30th.
- Clubs earn $20 in District Credit for adding 3+ members AND renewing their membership through March 2019.
- Clubs earn an additional $20 in District Credit for adding 5+ members AND renewing their membership through March 2019.
Clubs can earn a total of up to $60 in District Credit with this Open House Challenge.
- All new members must be added between September 1st and October 31st.
- New membership fees must be paid through March 2019 to Toastmasters International.
- Open House Challenge ended October 31st.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $60 in District Credit by holding an Open House and adding at least 5 members: Adobe Fontificators Club, MoToast, and Xilinx Xpressionists Toastmasters Club.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $40 in District Credit by holding an Open House and adding at least 3 members: Almaden Valley Orators Club, Cupertino Morningmasters, Interconnected Toastmasters, Speakeasy Monterey, and Toasters R Us Club.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $20 in District Credit by holding an Open House: Mandarin-English Toastmasters, Mountain View, Silicon Valley Storytellers, The Grummarians, and Wry Toastmasters.
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $40 in District Credit by adding at least 5 members: Applied Materials Club, B.L.T. Club, Big Basin Toastmasters, Cadence AHgorithms Club, Fair Oaks Club, I’m Feeling Chatty Toastmasters Club, Intuitively Speaking Toastmasters Club, Los Gatos Toastmasters, Macintalkers Club, MCA Toastmasters Club, MIIS Toastmasters, Now You’re Talk[In], Panthers Toastmasters, San Jose Toastmasters Club, Startup Speakers, Toastmasters Insiders Club, and True Talking Toastmasters (TTT).
Congratulations to these clubs for earning $20 in District Credit by adding at least 3 members: Amazon Cupertino Toastmasters, Aptos Club, ArtICCulators Club, Bayview Club, Downtown Speechmakers, First Street Speakers, Intel Innovators, Juniper Jabbers Club, Look Who’s Talking, Maxim Toastmasters, McAfee Rise and Shine Toastmasters Club, Milpitas Toastmasters Club, Morgan Hill Toastmasters, Optical Orators, Oratory Otters, Redwood Ramblers Toastmasters, Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters, Santa Cruz Orators (SCO) Club, SCUMBAT Club, Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Toastmasters, Silicon Valley Mandarin English Toastmasters, Spartans Toastmasters – SJSU, TGIF Management Club, Toast On Fire, Toastmasters Evelyn, Toastmasters of Waymo, ToastNow, and Wharton QuakeMasters.
To earn District Credit for holding an Open House, clubs must:
Step 1: Please submit a copy of the publicity flyer of the Open House to https://d101tm.wufoo.com/forms/z163l55j10ocbyt/ before the Open House and for posting on District 101 MeetUp.
Step 2: Submit a photo of the meeting, a photo of the agenda and guest sign-in sheet to https://d101tm.wufoo.com/forms/z1qy3x8p1xnts8d/ no later than a week after the club Open House event.
For example, the deadline to submit photos is March 7th for an open house held on February 28.
Questions? Contact Open House Coordinator, Chandana Kalluri, by emailing openhouse@d101tm.org.
- Renew 75% of base membership by Sept. 15th & receive $50 in District Credit
- Renew 90% of base membership by Sept. 15th & receive $75 in District Credit
- Gold Clubs: Renew 100% of base membership by Sept. 15th & receive $101 in District Credit
Congratulations to Aptos Club, Big Basin Toastmasters, Cadence AHgorithms Club, KT Talkers Club, NCVI Toastmasters, North Valley Toastmasters, Samsung Speaks, Santa Cruz Orators (SCO) Club, Speakeasy Monterey, Willow Glen Toastmasters, Xilinx Xpressionists Toastmasters Club, and Year Up Toastmasters for renewing 100% of their base membership and earning $101 in District Credit. Welcome to Gold Club status!
Congratulations to Adelante Toastmasters Club, Excalibur Toastmasters Club, Great America Speakers, San Jose Toastmasters Club, Sierra 49ers, Silicon Valley Storytellers, SweetTalk, TGIF Management Club, and Toast to Arm for renewing at least 90% of their base membership and earning $75 in District Credit!
Congratulations to 831 Storytellers, Adlibmasters Club, Cupertino Morningmasters, Fair Oaks Club, Jade Toastmasters, Juniper Jabbers Club, Leadership 101, An Advanced Toastmasters Club, Los Gatos Toastmasters, MIIS Toastmasters, Monterey Peninsula Toastmasters Club 934, Next Step Toastmasters Club, nSpeak, Oratory Otters, Orbiters Toastmasters Club, Palo Alto Networks Toastmasters, Panthers Toastmasters, Santa Clara SweetTalkers Toastmasters, Santa Cruz Downtown Toastmasters, Saratoga Toastmasters Club, Silicon Valley JETS (Japanese English Toastmasters), Silicon Valley Toastmasters, Silver Tongued Cats, Sunnyvale Speakeasies Club, Surf City Advanced Toastmasters, SynapTalks, Toast On Fire, and Toastmasters Insiders Club for renewing at least 75% of their base membership and earning $50 in District Credit!
Questions? Contact our Club Growth Director, LoAn Nguyen, at growth@d101tm.org