2017-18 Leadership Team

Dave Spence
District Director
Value is the most important benefit we can offer our members, and it’s our members that make Toastmasters so valuable. It’s unique among communication and leadership development organizations because we’re all members, working together to help each other grow and become more self-confident.
My vision is for District 101 to be a community where we all find growing value in being Toastmasters. Where each club is unique, and where each club provides a quality member experience. Where each member is valued, and finds value as we each pursue our goals. And where we all have opportunities to grow, resources to be effective, and rewards and recognition as we succeed.
We all joined Toastmasters for different reasons, but as we journey together as a community of learners, encouraging others to dream, we discover that we’ve flourished ourselves. This is the value of Toastmasters, and why each of us is so valuable.

Françoise Muller
Program Quality Director
Did you join Toastmasters to improve your communication skills? So did I. Little did I know about the trove of hidden treasures that are available to us. Although these treasures are hidden in plain sight.
The way to improve communication skills is by working with others. Our District offers plenty of opportunities that can meet your needs wherever you are in your Toastmasters journey. Whether it is to participate actively in a contest, help plan a District event or work directly with members to help them become better speakers, we have a program available for you.
You can find more information on this website, or contact me at quality@d101tm.org.

Pavan Datla
Club Growth Director
Two things come to mind when I think of my experience with Toastmasters and District 101 – Opportunities and the Exposure to learn & grow. Opportunities pushed me beyond my comfort zone, and allowed me to benefit both personally and professionally, while my Exposure to growing and learning was through the vast communication and leadership networks within the District.
As your Club Growth Director for 2017-18, I would like to strive for similar experiences for the existing members as well as for the new members by promoting active club growth within the District. My goal is to strive for the betterment of clubs which in turn leads to satisfied members. It is an honor to serve the District in this role and be a contributor in achieving such great results.
We are all part of One Team. Together, we can lay the foundation and lead the way for a stronger District 101.