- Join us to crown the winners of the Evaluation and Humorous Speech contests.
- Learn and strengthen your skills during the Educational Program.
- Stay with us and relax while hearing how to add humor in your speeches during the Reception.
- Wake up and come to the Breakfast with Anne for some live coaching.
- Biltmore Hotel & Suites
- 151 Laurelwood Road
- Santa Clara, CA
Listen to the reasons why Anne thinks YOU should join us at the District 101 Conference.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Are you ready to learn how to be a fantastic communicator? Are you ready to improve your presentation skills at work? Are you ready to laugh and learn? This is the conference you’ve been waiting for!

Anne Barab, Personal Excellence Expert
Keynote: I Had a Life Plan But the Magnet Fell Off the Fridge
Living a life of excellence requires more than just a cute slogan on a magnet stuck to your refrigerator. Behavioral research proves that an optimistic mindset is the single most important factor to creating health, happiness and success. In this session you will learn three easy to apply techniques to retrain your brain to think positively. Want to change your life? This is the session you’ve been waiting for.
Breakout Session: How to Deliver a Dynamite Business Presentation
Executive presence is one of the hottest topics today. Mastering the art of communicating your unique point of view is critical to personal excellence and professional success. Learn how to craft business presentations that inform your colleagues, sell your distinctive ideas to clients and inspire management to take action.
Laugh and Relax: Evening Reception with Anne Barab
The Sooner You Laugh the Faster You Heal
Do you love the sound of laughter? Do you wish you could put more humor in your presentations? Audiences adore speakers who make them laugh. Did you know there is actually a science to crafting humor? In this session you will learn tips and tools for filling your speeches with funny. Don’t miss the chance to increase your Humor IQ.
District 101 Speech Contest Finals
Evaluation 8:45am |
Humorous Speech 4:30pm |
Additional Educational Sessions
Michael Chojnacki: Developing Confidence
If you would like to learn tips on how to improve your confidence both on stage and in real life, this is the session for you. Michael Chojnacki will share his expertise and get you to show all the confidence you need to help you succeed.
Rita Barber: Transition your Career
Are you thinking of a new career? Do you need help to know where to even get started? Hear some of the best ways to succeed in this process from visionary leader Rita Barber.
Atul Nayak: Communicating Effectively at Work
Join Atul Nayak in a highly interactive examination of how we can be more productive and impactful in the current workplace. If you feel like you need help making your presence felt or your voice heard or your email read, then this session is for you. Through group exercises and sharing anecdotes, you will discuss communication challenges at work and how to overcome them.
District 101 Business Meeting
Every club has a voice! Club Presidents and VPEs and District Officers learn about District 101’s progress and vote on measures. If you hold a vote but are unable to attend the Business Meeting, please assign a proxy using this proxy form. Attending the Business Meeting is free.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Breakfast with Anne
Interactive Workshop with Anne Barab
7 Secrets to Speaking So People Will Listen
Do you want to know how to craft a grabby speech opening? Do you struggle with nervousness and dream of feeling more relaxed and in control? Do you fantasize about being a great leader and communicator? Then this is your lucky day! Join international speaker and professional coach Anne Barab for this invigorating, informative and engaging learning session.
Discount Room Rates
The Biltmore Hotel offers discount rates for Conference attendees. Mention “District 101 Toastmasters” when you book your room with the hotel to receive the conference rate.
Contact Program Quality Director Françoise Muller
or Conference Chair Anna Garcia
Portions of this event will be recorded with photos and videos. By attending this event, you consent to the use of your recorded likeness for publicity of District 101 and of Toastmasters International, without financial compensation or editorial control.