2016-17 Leadership Team

Mythili Prabhu
District Director
The more I challenge myself, the more I have learned and grown. Toastmasters has helped me improve my skills and outlook through various challenges and opportunities. Over the last few years, I have had the pleasure of learning through hands-on experiences as the District Public Relations Officer, Program Quality Director and various other roles at the Club, Area, Division and District levels. There’s a sense of awe I felt when I started this journey, and that stays with me.
As your 2016-17 District 101 Director, my vision is to help every District member grow through new and exciting opportunities. There is much to create, improve and influence in a District, particularly a brand new one. It is an exciting time for all of us to be part of this incredible year as a new District. I would be honored to have an opportunity to lead our District members to success.

Dave Spence
Program Quality Director
The more I’m involved in Toastmasters, the more I’m excited about what it has to offer. There’s a place for everyone to make a difference, an opportunity for each of us to contribute: helping others reach their goals as we grow ourselves, becoming better people in the process.
A quality program is essential for this: it provides the tools we need to successfully meet our next challenge, and offers rewards as we succeed. My vision is for District 101 to be a safe place where all our members can contribute and grow together, and where we each have effective resources and opportunities to make the most of our Toastmasters experience. Together we can create a strong District that empowers each of us to become more effective communicators and leaders, and members who are captivated by Toastmasters for life!

Karthik Kalpat
Club Growth Director
Tom Peters said “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders”. Like so many of you, I joined Toastmasters to improve my public speaking skills, but have gained a lot more as a leader and understood the true meaning of that quote. I’ve had the pleasure of serving as your Division G Director this past year, Area G1 Governor the year before and various club leadership roles before that. During this time, I have done my best not only to improve my speaking skills, but to share my knowledge and experience with others through Club Officer Trainings and mentorship.
As your 2016-17 Club Growth Director, my vision is to create an environment in which we can all grow by helping each other. I will be there to support the Division Directors, Area Directors, the club officers and most importantly the members to get the maximum they can out of Toastmasters and make this journey a most fulfilling one.