Saturday, November 5
Mark Brown,1995 World Champion of Public Speaking
Keynote: Pursue Your Passion
Mark will share five powerful principles for pursuing your passion. You will embark on a voyage of self-discovery and find out who YOU really are.
Breakout Session: How Leaders Get Things Done
Join this interactive session with Mark Brown, 1995 World Champion of Public Speaking, to learn practical but powerful leadership principles which you can apply to catapult yourself to leadership success!
Evening Reception with Mark Brown
Your Life, Your Story, Your Message
Many speakers tell the stories of others, using a range of sources, from Chicken Soup for the Soul to the lives of celebrities and great historical figures. But they rarely tell their stories. In this interactive session, Mark Brown shares his techniques for identifying potent personal stories, debunks common myths that prevent you from sharing them, and gives you practical tools to use your stories effectively by unleashing the power within them.

Breakout Sessions
Jim Kohli
International Director, Region 2
Leadership and Beyond
Join Jim Kohli, Region 2 International Director, to learn about the many leadership opportunities in Toastmasters and how you can use them to develop transferable skills for your career and your life.
Rita Barber
Past District Governor
Leader as Storyteller
Would you like to better influence others, even if they don’t report to you? Join us for this interactive workshop where you will learn a systematic method for combining leadership and storytelling. We’ll explore three methodologies to empower you as the leader of the pack, including exercises you can use again and again.
District 101 Business Meeting
Every club has a voice! Club Presidents and VPEs and District Officers learn about District 101’s progress and vote on measures. If you hold a vote but are unable to attend the Business Meeting, please assign a proxy using this form. Attending the Business Meeting is free.
Sunday, November 6
Breakfast with the Champion
with Mark Brown, 1995 World Champion of Public Speaking
Get Coached…Live!
Selected speakers will deliver a portion of their speech and receive immediate coaching from Mark. This very interactive session is really fun, and it’s educational for everyone who attends.
About District Conferences
District 101 sponsors two conferences each year: one in the Fall and one in the Spring.
They include the culmination of the district-wide speech contests, educational workshops and presentations, and a keynote address by a professional speaker. An important element of the district conference is the semi-annual District Council Meeting.
The Fall Contest includes the District 101 Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests. Competitors in each contest start at the club level, where the winners go on to compete at the Area and Division Contests. The winners from each Division Contest meet at the District Contests to compete for the title of District 101 Champion.
The Spring Contest includes the District 101 Table Topics (or Tall Tales) and the International Speech Contests. The winner of the International Speech Contest goes on to represent District 101 at the semi-finals of the International Speech Contest at the Toastmasters International Convention in August, and if successful will compete on the World Stage for the title of World Champion of Public Speaking.
The Conferences also include the semi-annual District Council Meetings, which includes district leaders, Club Presidents, and Club Vice Presidents Education. The meeting serves as the administrative governing body of the district. Any member can attend the meeting but only voting members of the council or their proxies participate in council deliberations. Each club president and vice president education in attendance is entitled to one vote. However, if either or both officers cannot attend, they may designate, in writing, any other active member of their club to act as a proxy or proxies for their club. (Use the District proxy form or other document with the required components.)