Step up your speaking and leadership skills by participating in contests.
30,000 Members!
That’s how many members participate in speech contests all around the world in Toastmasters.
Participating in Speech Contests provides you with an opportunity to grow as a communicator by challenging you to step up every aspect of your skills. It gives you an opportunity to hone your speaking skills to a greater degree and receive recognition in front of new audiences beyond your club. It’s also a chance to introduce new people to Toastmasters, hold a special event for your club, and develop organizational skills along the way.
Contest season begins with Club Contests conducted at the club level in February. Club winners advance to the Area Contests in March, Area winners to the Division Contests in April, and Division winners compete at the District 101 District Contests during the Annual Conference in May. The winner of the International Speech contest at the District level will have their recorded speech judged at the Quarterfinals. Those winners will advance to the Toastmasters International Convention in August where they give their speech live at the Semifinals in a battle for the title of World Champion of Public Speaking.
Challenge yourself and others in your club and participate in the speech and evaluation contests. You’ll be glad you did!
2023 Contests
District 101 offers two different speech contests each spring. This year, members will compete in the International Speech and Tall Tales Contests on May 20, 2023.
Tall Tales
Contestants present a 3-5 minute speech on a topic that is highly-exaggerated and improbable in theme or plot.
International Speech
Contestants present a 5-7 minute speech on any subject they choose. The International Speech contest has three levels of competition beyond the District Contest: the Quarterfinals (video record of the District speech), the Semifinals, and the World Championship of Public Speaking® which occurs at the Toastmasters International Convention.
To be eligible to compete in the International Speech Contest, a member must have completed six speech projects in the Competent Communication manual or earned certificates of completion in Levels 1 and 2 of any path in the Toastmasters Pathways learning experience. However, a charter member of a club chartered less than one year before the club contest is permitted to compete without having completed this requirement. The club must have officially chartered before the area contest.
To be a chief judge, voting judge, or tie-breaking judge at a Toastmasters area, division, or district speech contest, the member must have completed a minimum of six speech projects in Competent Communication or have earned certificates of completion in Levels 1 and 2 of any path in the Toastmasters Pathways learning experience.
Contest Planning
Planning your speech contest involves preparation of your contest kit. Find the contest kit (handouts), rule book, FAQ and editable script on our Contest Resources page.
All contests are being held online
NO Area or Division Contests will be held in-person this year―all will be ONLINE. Contact the contest chair or Area/Division Director for specific information. You can find their information by clicking the “More Information” link for each contest.
Online Contest Resources are available on the Contest Resources page.
Area and Division Contest Schedule
Division A | |
Area/Division | When |
Division A | TBA |
Area A1 | TBA |
Area A2 | TBA |
Area A3 | TBA |
Area A4 | TBA |
Division B | |
Area/Division | When |
Division B | TBA |
Area B1/B6 Contest More Information | Register | March 29 9:00-12:30pm |
Area B2/B5 Contests More Information | March 19 6:30-9:00pm |
Area B3/B4 Contest More Information | Register | March 28 5:30-8:00pm |
Area B2/B5 Contests More Information | March 19 6:30-9:00pm |
Area B1/B6 Contest More Information | Register | March 29 9:00-12:30pm |
Division C | |
Area/Division | When |
Division C | TBA |
Area C1 | TBA |
Area C2/C6 Contest More Information | March 15 1:00-5:00pm |
Area C3 | TBA |
Area C4 | TBA |
Area C5 | TBA |
Area C2/C6 Contest More Information | March 15 1:00-5:00pm |
Division D | |
Area/Division | When |
Division D Contest More Information | Register | April 18 3:30-8:00pm |
Area D1/D3/D5 Contests More Information | March 21 3:30-8:00pm |
Area D2/D4 Contests More Information | Register | March 28 3:30-8:00pm |
Area D1/D3/D5 Contests More Information | March 21 3:30-8:00pm |
Area D2/D4 Contests More Information | Register | March 28 3:30-8:00pm |
Area D1/D3/D5 Contests More Information | March 21 3:30-8:00pm |
Division E | |
Area/Division | When |
Division E | TBA |
Area E1 | TBA |
Area E2/E6 Contest More Information | March 22 8:45-11:00am |
Area E3 | TBA |
Area E4/E5 Contest More Information | March 16 10:45-12:30pm |
Area E2/E6 Contest More Information | March 22 8:45-11:00am |
Division G | |
Area/Division | When |
Division G Contest More Information | Register | April 19 9:00-12:00pm |
Area G1 | TBA |
Area G2 | TBA |
Area G3/G4 Contests More Information | March 14 3:00-6:00pm |
Area G5 | TBA |
District 101 Contest Finals
Other Possible Contests
Contestants observe a 5-7 minute “test speech” and then present a 2-3 minute evaluation of that test speech.
Contestants present a 5-7 minute humorous speech that must be thematic in nature (opening, body, and closing), not a monologue (series of one-liners).
Tall Tales
Contestants present a 3-5 minute speech on a topic that is highly-exaggerated and improbable in theme or plot.
Table Topics
Contestants give a 1-2 minute impromptu speech based on a topic given to them when the contest chair introduces them. All contestants receive the same topic.
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